Some people say that no species drink milk beyond infancy, so our drinking milk is unnatural. How do we respond?

Some people say that no species drink milk beyond infancy, so our drinking milk is unnatural. How do we respond?


We shouldn’t have a very naïve or simple understanding of what is natural by comparing us to animals. Eg. Human dietary habits differ from animals.

Animals can understand whether something is edible or not just by looking at it.

Humans grow and harvest grains. Systematic food cultivation and storage is done by humans. So, Some extreme naturalist might say that we shouldn’t eat grains.

Thirdly, we are the only species that cooks food.

Cooking is superfluous, some may say, but raw food is occasionally alright. It is not about austerity or capacity; it is about biological inclination.

By cooking make various food and eat it. Cooking is common to all human race.

He humans don’t just eat out of biological hunger; they eat to enjoy.

We can’t extrapolate from nature and say that this doesn’t happen in nature so it shouldn’t happen in humans.

From a spiritual perspective, all living beings are souls but in a different body and accordingly specific capacities are given. Humans have a capacity for spiritual enquiry, Because of which they can orient their lives in such a way that they can enhance their spiritual Life.

So even diet is such that it is offered to God and sanctified and which enhances spirituality or at least it is in the mode of goodness so that it promotes spirituality. Milk of the cow is in the mode of goodness. It promotes the mode of goodness in humans.

Pure diet leads to pure consciousness.

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